
Meg WilsonArchive, Encouragement

perspective-1Sometimes a word keeps coming up as if the Lord wants me to pay particular attention. Perspective seems to be the word of this season. I had the pleasure of spending three weeks welcoming my first grandchild, a boy, into the world with my daughter and son-in-love. To say it was awesome doesn’t do such a blessing justice but, that’s the best word I can find. I know, babies are born every day. Like so many of the miraculous works of God, Liam George’s arrival was personal, intimate, and just for our family and close friends.

Returning home, I tried to explain what makes grandchildren so special and it dawned on me it is having perspective. When I was 23 giving birth to my first daughter, my life experience left me feeling overwhelmed with all I didn’t know and the weight of responsibility for this new little life. Raising two girls, as it turned out, meant we were growing up together learning from each other.

Now with plenty of life experience and years under my slightly larger belt. I can stand back and know this little guy is going to be fine. Without the distractions of contractions I could really experience his entrance into the world and marvel at how a newborn goes from an underwater environment to breathing air. It’s noting short of amazing. To be a spectator at the love between my daughter and son-in-love is another rare gift.

Perspective enables me see his mom and dad are more equipped than they realize and this little guy is going to bring more to them than they realize now as they are so focused on being the perfect parents to him. I know Liam will be the source of some of their greatest joy and pain for there is no growth without pain. The best part is as “Grammy,” I get to add my love and influence and support his parents in a unique role. I am excited to continue to lend my perspective to this little lamb and I pray I can still be a voice when he is at the age when mom & dad’s voice grows dim.

It dawned on me too that when I am bogged down, overwhelmed, unsure, and praying for something to change, the best way the Lord helps is to give me a new perspective. His vantage point is so far above and beyond mine, that just a glimpse changes everything. So weather you are in plenty or want, joy or sorrow, take a deep breath and invite God to broaden your perspective.