Season of New!

Meg WilsonArchive, Encouragement

springHave you ever been thrown into a new job or situation knowing little of what was ahead? It happened last year for me with Hope After Betrayal Ministries. Every day was like turning a new page. This kind of unknown territory can bring a great deal of fear if I focus on the “what if” instead of the One who is guiding me. I’m still in a season of learning new skills, meeting new people, writing new curriculum, breaking new ground, making new mistakes, and finding new levels of faith.

I stepped out in faith to take what I was doing with hurting women in a church into a broader arena called non-profit. This shift from a church’s umbrella to a professional setting felt really risky. I would not have done it except the Lord lead in a new way. He put out clear runway lights and illuminated each step—almost before I knew what to do next.

Our first full year as Hope After Betrayal Ministries has been nothing short of a miracle. The Lord has provided more than I could think or imagine. I went from feeling like a poser to working with an assistant. We’ve added three new leaders and written a companion workbook. Our first fundraising event packed a banquet room with 170 people and raised over $30,000—with many new connections.

As we begin 2015 strong, I realize that last year was just the beginning—there is more uncharted territory ahead. We anticipate our first pilot group in Olympia and are producing video lessons for leaders as well as out of state groups. I’m really not sure what the year holds, only that it will be outside of anything I can think or imagine and too big for little me. But never too big for my God.

As I try to keep up with another year of “New” I remind myself of how faithful God was last year. I’m not sure how long this season will last, but that’s not the point. Living one day at a time is the goal. It’s where God wants all of us to be. Oh, and has anyone else noticed that each step of faith seems to be followed by a new one that’s bigger than the last? So are you ready to take that next step?

Let’s do this!