Is your marriage a dream or a nightmare? Do you feel fully known by your spouse? Do you know what true intimacy in marriage is supposed to be?
The Intimacy In Marriage Workshop examines the various types of intimacy – spiritual, emotional and physical – as well as the challenges of experiencing true intimacy. You and your spouse will discover and understand what is needed for healthy, whole and God-centered intimacy.
Don’t settle for a miserable marriage, or even one that’s just ok. It is possible to experience a new level of intimacy and have a great marriage!
Hotel accommodations are not included, but a group rate has been negotiated with the host hotel. You are not required to stay at the host hotel. However, we highly encourage staying at the hotel to enhance the workshop experience and ensure all distractions are left behind.
Check out another NewLife Workshop: Emotional Freedom – Overcoming Emotional Roadblocks