Meg Wilson (Hope After Betrayal) and Lani Kent (Healing Expressions) have partnered to offer a restorative, overnight retreat for women to take time away to experience rest and renewal. This unique, “Creatively Sacred Soul Care Retreat”, is designed as a gently guided movement through several “Soul Connection” experiences.
Each guest will be invited for time away to reflect, recover, restore and be nourished in the ways that their individual hearts most need during their stay. Participants will be tenderly encouraged to listen deeply, invite connection with God and express through healing creativity in between community gathering time for “Soul Connection” discussions and beautiful shared meals.
Meg and Lani are both deeply passionate about inviting women to a space where they can be authentically received, cared for, deeply rest, experience soul art, and be nurtured through self-care.
Please share with any woman you think might benefit from giving herself the gift of this time away. You are invited to visit the retreat website to find more about event details, cost and registration here: Please contact us to inquire about this event’s cost.