Harvesting Hope and Healing

Kristy RodriguezGeneral, Uncategorized

What comes to mind when you hear the word harvest? For me it stirs up childhood memories of helping gather the bountiful amounts of produce from my grandparents’ garden. Sometimes, it conjures up sweet memories of my children enjoying our annual harvest celebration. In fact, I can hear the sound of their laughter as they make fun childhood memories of their own. For many Christians, the word harvest sets our gaze on the numerous souls still in need of an encounter with our Savior.

While the word harvest can bring many things to mind, at Hope After Betrayal Ministries we are actively experiencing bountiful harvest as many women personally encounter life changing hope and healing through our Christ centered Healing Hope Groups. Group after group, we see lives being transformed, as women push through their pain and choose to do the hard work healing requires.

Prayer for Sowers

As a child, I have fond memories of helping my grandparents bring in their harvest, but I was completely unaware of the roles they played of sowing, tending, watering, weeding, and let’s not forget the countless time spent reaping the fruit of their labor. It’s easy to get excited when we hear someone declare ‘harvest is here”. However, like the unawareness I had as a child, we are sometimes unaware of all the laboring and work that goes into harvest time. We don’t always see the help needed.

Because the harvest won’t pick itself, Jesus tells us in Matthew 9:38 to ask the Lord of the Harvest to thrust out reapers for the harvest. He didn’t say pray for a harvest; He instructs us to pray for those that will help bring the harvest in. That is why we have been praying for YOU!

We are so incredibly grateful for those that have sown and helped us reap abundant harvest over the years. As a result, Hope After Betrayal Ministries continues to see lives changed as hope is restored to the hurting.

 Powerful testimony of the HARVEST:

“Joining the Hope After Betrayal group was one of the best decisions I made in my journey to recovery. Within the group I found the support and hope I needed to walk this painful path. I learned how to surrender my pain and future to the Lord. I faced my grief and anger through the therapeutic exercises. Each week, during group, I was saturated with the truth from God’s Word that this trauma and betrayal does not have to define who I am.

The beautiful women in my group were hurting like me. We were able to hear one another, hurt with one another, pray for one another and know that we are not alone. This kind of support is crucial in the betrayal journey, as we cannot navigate this deep pain alone.

I’ve experienced much healing over these last 12 weeks. I am so thankful for Meg’s book, her weekly videos and how she always lovingly points us back to the Lord. I’m grateful for our facilitator, who always listened with compassion and love. She always spoke the truth of God’s Word over our hurting hearts. A light in the darkness we were walking through, she prayed for us throughout the week. She knows the pain because she’s walked this road as well. 

I now have confidence that no matter what happens with my marriage, I will be okay because my Heavenly Father is my husband. He will never leave me nor forsake me and I am forever held in the palm of His hand.” – Jill (changed for privacy) 

Sow Into the Harvest

Did you know that 48% of marriages are impacted by a partner’s sexual brokenness? While we celebrate that the healing harvest has been plentiful, there continues to be great need.

We need you to labor with us to continue. Regardless of the role you play as a sower or a reaper, John 4:36 assures us that “both he who sows and he who reaps, will ALL rejoice together. What a beautiful promise!

Would you consider partnering with us today? Sowing into our harvest field will ensure that more hurting women reap abundant hope and healing through Christ. Give a onetime gift or become a monthly supporter.

Either way, YOUR SEED is guaranteed to yield an ABUNDANT HARVEST that will cause us all to REJOICE together!

Click to GIVE NOW and sow into harvesting hope today!


Check out our previous blog: Lessons from the Rearview Mirror

If you are dealing with the trauma of betrayal, our staff and facilitators are here to walk with you through it. Message us today at [email protected] or join a Healing Hope Group.