Celebrating Independence Day

Meg WilsonArchive, Encouragement, General

When it comes to Independence Day, most people think of celebrating with picnics and fireworks. Whereas I grew up in a military family, and this day has a deeper meaning for me. When I was young, my father was away for almost a year serving in Vietnam as an Air Force Navigator. My grandfather earned a purple heart during WWII when he was wounded on Omaha Beach. My father-in-law served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam; and my lineage can be traced all the way back to the American Revolution. Suffice it to say, the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have served and paid the ultimate price for the freedom I enjoy is deeply personal to me.

We live in a strange time where the culture has shifted. Patriotism means different things to different groups. They say with age comes wisdom (at least for those who are willing to grow). As an adult with a family of my own, I know the men in my family were deeply flawed and their stories are not the full American story. I was given the white version of his-story.

One evening, I was having dinner with a friend when her son-in-law (twenty-something) casually said, “I don’t think I am going to vote in the next presidential election, because I don’t like any of the candidates.” I tried to calm my visceral reaction ready to come out. Swallowing my feelings, I realized I  could say the same about our two presidential options and might have made the same choice, if not for my upbringing and my families’ version of patriotism.

A potentially rough dialogue turned into a great conversation as I shared about our responsibility to be a good steward of the freedoms we are blessed to enjoy and that we dishonor all of those who have died when we deny our privilege to vote. I agreed with him that voting would mean (and usually does) selecting the “lessor of two evils.”

Our Responsibility

As believers, we long for our leadership to embody integrity, honesty, and Christian world view. These qualities are sadly not often represented in those running for President. Human leaders will always have flaws, and it’s why we need the solid rock of Christ on which to stand. Much prayer will go into this next election. Some will vote one way and others will make different choices. Yet each will have a voice, and neither will be wrong or right. However, abstaining from voting is giving your voice away along with any power to impact the outcome.

Never would I tell you which candidate you should vote for. I would ask you to use the precious gift you have to take a stand. It can feel like one vote doesn’t make a difference, but it does especially when we have healthy conversation about why we are voting and encourage others who might rather stay home to do the same. That is why I’m writing this blog. I see the results of policies made and how they trickle down into our courts, colleges, and school rooms.

Our Future

Voting is only one way to impact our future. There are many angry voices; ask why, and then lean into the discomfort. Listen to the history of others and hear how different they are. Try not to get defensive, but rather try to understand and know that their history doesn’t invalidate yours. Instead, it gives a fuller picture of who we are, and I hope–how we can be better.

In this season of high emotions, there is a temptation to want to pull out of the conversation, but don’t. See to hear and learn. Remember that all history is (HIS-story). Everyone wants to be heard and seen, so to listen and seek to understand is a great gift. Just as every member of my family is flawed, so are you, and the best we can do is ask God to teach, lead, and heal us—one heart at a time.

So, while you cook your hamburgers this Independence Day, and lay out your basket in anticipation of the stunning firework display to come, take a moment and remember those who have served, suffered and died so that you may live in freedom and enjoy this precious day. Take the time to find someone who’s history is different that yours and invite them to share it. Whatever may come, you will know you have done your best to participate in this great process where every individual has a say. This is America; this is our country. Not without its issues, yet still a great county full of potential in the sum total of voices who live in its boarders.

God bless you and happy 4th of July!


Updated & Republished from 2016 ~ Author Meg Wilson

Previous Blog: Quarantine and Betrayal

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